We are Frank van Wezel and Hans van de Konijnenberg from the Netherlands. We both collect books, magazines and daily bulletins about bridge. We especially enjoy reading daily bulletins.
That is why we decided that this material should be at the disposal of all bridge players.
Therefore, we have collected thousands of bulletins from the internet and at this very moment, we are scanning hundreds of daily bulletins from the pre-internet era which will be posted on our website very soon.
The purpose of our website is therefore twofold:
- This site is a collection of daily bulletins of bridge tournaments.
- By scanning (very) old bulletins we hope to save the history of bridge tournaments from oblivion.
To perfect this site we are asking our readers to send us bulletins that we do not have. Even if you do not have any, but know for certain that bulletins were produced at a tournament, please let us know.
Our website contains thousands of bulletins from various tournaments.
We are still scanning old bulletins and frequently we will post the bulletins of older tournaments. Also, we will post the bulletins of all the recently played (major) tournaments.